Village of Keur Mory


Please help reduce poverty and hunger that cripple lives each year


Please help reduce poverty and hunger that cripple lives each year 〰️

Current Project: Finish the construction of the Quran School

Current Project: Finish the construction of the Quran School

$3,550 is the current fund needed to finish the construction and get the school up and running.

See progress below

Construction began in 2019, but was halted due to lack of funds. M.Y. International donation in March 2022 allowed the work to resume. And thanks to the skilled trades and handy men of the village, who gladly give some of their time and skills to help finish the construction, the labor cost decreased.

Annual Conference with public recitation of Quran by students - June 2022.

Our Mission: ** Save lives ** Fight Homelessness ** Provide basic human needs ** Support Education and Healthcare **


Our Mission: ** Save lives ** Fight Homelessness ** Provide basic human needs ** Support Education and Healthcare ** 〰️

1. In Seattle, Washington: We take care of the Homeless.

  1. We give homeless people access with dignity to nutritious food, while we provide items like clothing, socks, blankets, beanies, gloves as needed. We strive to find ways and means to lessen the suffering and give hope to get out of homelessness.

  2. We organize food drives and feed-the-homeless events, develop partnerships with other nonprofits. We proactively work towards setting up our own chain of food banks.

2. In Senegal: We fight the rural exodus due to poverty and hunger “One Village At a Time”.

Our actions are geared towards these 7 areas below:

  1. Construction of the new Quran school, currently in its final phase. It will host sixty (60+) student children and youngsters currently learning Quran in temporary premises.

  2. Rehabilitate the existing health clinic. This clinic has been out for many years. The building is pretty intact but needs refurbishing and repairs. Then some medical equipment and devices need to be added in order to get the clinic back into commission. This clinic used to be an outreach center for the surrounding communities as well, that’s why its re-opening is vital and desperately needed. Once the clinic is in full swing, it will be possible to organize free consultations once a year or couple years, in partnership with local and foreign healthcare professionals, nurses and doctors.

  3. Buy a medical ambulance. The acquisition of an ambulance is critical for emergencies, it will save lives especially mothers and babies who pay the greatest toll.

  4. Renovate the existing elementary school. The school is in a pitiful shape, it needs to be refurbished; with a future expansion in mind.

  5. Empower women, the heartbeat of the community. They are the greatest vectors of change if they are given the tools and basic management skills they need. Get them organize in their existing GIEs and engage in high return projects that spur sustainable socio-economic growth.

  6. Support the youth with resources. Keep them in school so that they can achieve better academic success, make healthy life choices and develop options for career path. Get them involved in sports and social activity programs for physical, mental and  personal development, all that which allows the youngsters to build confidence, unleash their potential, and most importantly, believe in the future. It is vital that young people get engaged into positive pursuits in order to blossom and thrive, as it is the generation which represents the future. Why is this so relevant? because Africa is the youngest continent of the planet with almost half of its population under the age of eighteen (18).

  7. Upgrade the village’s main source of water. The exiting borehole is quite old so no wonder it breaks down often. Its unreliability greatly adds to the burden of households.

Each one of these projects is a game changer, not only for the village of Keur Mory, but also for the surrounding neighborhoods of Ngolar, Diamaguene, Gott, Hanene etc... 

Please join our efforts to Make A Difference

“We cannot build our own future without helping others to build theirs”
Bill Clinton

〰️Current Fundraising Goals

〰️Current Fundraising Goals

In WASHINGTON: Our fundraising goal is $8,500 for our programs against homelessness.


Project No 1 - the completion of the Quran school at Keur Mory. $3,500 is the amount needed to finish and get the school up and running.

Project No 2 - the rehabilitation of the existing “Case de Sante” and upgrade to “Poste de Sante”. $XXXX to rehabilitate (under review), $XXXX for equipment and materials (under review), $XXXX upgrade (under review).

Project No 3 - the purchase of a medical ambulance. $25,000 to $30,000 cost estimate.

Project No 4 - the renovation of the elementary school. $XXXX to refurbish the school (under review), $4,000 to erect a security perimeter fence, and $2,000 to renovate the bathrooms.

Project No 2: Upgrade the Case de Sante (Health clinic) to Poste de Dante

It was built in 2005 by an organization called “Plan International” in partnership with USAID, a US agency, and was highly efficient in keeping the population of the global localities healthy but u

nfortunately fell through the cracks due to lack of resources for maintenance, equipment and supplies renewal. Its closure is a disaster and a waste.


Here is what the president of the GIE has to say” Since the closure of this clinic, the experience is suffering and despair. For our most basic healthcare needs, we have to travel miles away and mainly on foot, to the nearest city or town. This applies to people of Keur Ngoumbe and Keur Amar who since have to go to Hanene for help, other villages have to go to Notto or Pout Diack, while all these places are very far away. This is why we need help te resume the operation of this clinic as soon as possible. Our people are suffering.”

She goes on ” I’ve tied my baby behind my back multiple times, just to take him on foot to Hanene for a simple vaccination. After that I must quickly walk back home to cook lunch for my family. Women are the most affected ones, during life-threatening situations like pregnancy and childbirth, mothers very often hit the road on carriage or on foot to go seek help, be it at night or under hazardous conditions… sometimes they give birth on the way, some times they’re hurt, sometimes it can be fatal. All these hardships will be avoided or greatly alleviated with the recommissioning of the clinic for the sake of the community’s well-being. t will make a tangible difference in our lives.

With your donation, we will:

·        Rehabilitate and upgrade the capacity of the clinic and provide new medical equipment and beds for an expanded and a more efficient service to the communities.

·        Develop wellness and prevention programs that promote health-consciousness, healthy diet, and exercise to improve the welfare of the community. 

Project No 4 : Elementary school

The school’s two buildings are in bad shape that calls for repairs. Maintenance is inexistent reflected in the holes and cracks all over the floor and roof with broken students’ desks.

Here is the president of the GIE:

” The school is in need of repair.

The classroom space has been outgrown by the student population. In recent years we’ve put two different grades in the same classroom. We have also set up tents in the school yard to accommodate the overflow of students, and at times we have used the village warehouses as makeshift classrooms.

One thing missing is a library. A few students have finished their cycle here without having ever learned from a book because when three students share one single book, taking turns to carry it home, there will always be a “free rider” less proactive who ‘s going to fall into the cracks. And no need to mention that proficiency in reading is a key to success.

Beside that, for safety reasons a fence needs to be built around the school yard, otherwise there is no control over the children.”

With your donation, we will:

·      Repair and refurbish the school buildings, then provide new equipment and educational materials.

·        Build a small library room where students can do individual/group assignments, get help in reading and math, and perform other after-school activities.

·      Secure the school with a perimeter fence.

·        Organize and optimize the use of the classroom space for the accommodation of all of the students.

The village main water supply, a borehole and water tower.

This may be a future project: Water supply upgrade

The water supply for the village comes from a 30-year old borehole which breaks down quite often.

When it happens people are forced to revert back to the old water well using ropes and buckets, with all the associated hardships, risks, and time wasted.

With your donation, we will:

  • Upgrade the borehole (replace if possible) with a reliable source of water. It will help people save time that they can use in more productive activities.